Chapter 2. Certification and documentation | |
(资料图片仅供参考) | |
10.9 Is the Radio Log being maintained correctly? | |
1 | Maintenance details related to radio batteries were not recorded in the Radio Log Book accordingly, including on-load and off-load daily test and monthly security connection check for batteries. |
10.11 Is there a maintenance programme in place to ensure availability of the radio equipment? | |
1 | GMDSS Shore Based Maintenance Certificate expired on 21 January 2020. |
Communications equipment: 10.12 Is the communications equipment in good order? | |
1 | Inmarsat-C was seen "DTE did not communicate to IME, confirmed the connection between IME’ on the display, although the service engineer already on board and it was not solved before inspection completed. |
10.16 Is the vessel equipped with sufficient intrinsically safe portable radios for use on deck? | |
1 | The insulation rubber of the antennas of walkie-talkies used on deck were broken and antenna wires were exposed. |
Chapter 11. Engine and steering compartments Policies, procedures and documentation: 11.1 Is the vessel provided with adequate operator’s instructions and procedures? | |
11.3 If the machinery space is certified for unmanned operation is it being operated in that mode? | |
1 | The vessel"s machinery space was classed "Unmanned" but was operated in the "Manned" mode, the Master and Chief Engineer stated that this was done as per Operator"s instructions and for safety reason. |
2 | The machinery was certified for UMS, however, the Engine room was manned all the time as per the company policy. |
3 | The machinery space was certified for unmanned operation, actually the engine room had not been operated unmanned since delivery. It was reported that the operator required the machinery space to be manned all times. |
4 | The engine room was certified for UMS operation, whereas as per C/E and Master vessel was being operated in the manned mode as per operator’s instructions for safety purpose. |
5 | Even though the machinery space was certified for unmanned operation, it was still manned as per record and unmanned operation mode was not operated without company agreement on board till inspection completed. |
6 | The vessel"s machinery space was classed "Unmanned" but was operated in the "Manned" mode, the Master and Chief Engineer stated that this was done as per operator"s instructions as the vessel was fairly new and for safety reason until such time when all alarms were verified. |
7 | The vessel"s machinery space was classed "Unmanned" but was operated in the "Manned" mode, the Master and Chief Engineer stated that this was done as the instructions from operator as the vessel was fairly new and for safety reason. |
8 | The machinery space was certified for unmanned operation; however it was operated manned since delivery. Reportedly operator has planned to operate machinery space in UMS mode but not commenced yet. |
11.7 Are there adequate procedures to prevent uncontrolled entry into the engine room? | |
1 | As per rest hour record kept on board, there was only one oiler on watch in the engine room during anchorage period and there was no record attested that effective contact with bridge been done accordingly. |
11.11 Does the operator subscribe to a fuel, lubricating and hydraulic oil testing programme? | |
1 | Although lubricating oil analysis programme was in progress,as the latest analysis report dated on 18th feb 2020 that the 1st last sample was on 7th nov 2019;the 1st analysis report kept on board showed that the sample date was on 01 oct 2019 instead. |
2 | Company procedures –"INM0610’ regarding bunker operation stated fuel oil sample to be landed and tested ashore upon the completion of bunkering operation. As per the operator’s procedures, hydraulic oil samples to be tested every 6 months. However the latest fuel oil analysis report onboard dated 09 July 2019, the latest hydraulic oil analysis report dated in June 2019 which was almost 11 moths ago. |
11.12 Are detailed bunker transfer instructions available? | |
1 | Ship/shore safety check list for lube oil bunkering on 13.03.2020 did not address all items marked "A". |
Planned maintenance: 11.13 Is a planned maintenance system being followed and is it up to date? | |
1 | PMS was not approved by Classification Society accordingly even though this vessel was involved in Continuous Survey Machinery system from Class of CCS |
Safety management: 11.16 Are emergency escape routes clearly marked, unobstructed and adequately lit? | |
11.29 Are self-closing sounding devices to double bottom tanks in good order and closed? | |
1 | Some self-closing sounding devices to double bottom tanks in engine room were stuck in open position. Rectified during inspection |
11.32 Are records maintained for the regular inspection and testing of lifting devices? | |
1 | The engine-room was fitted with a SWL 5 tonnes over-head crane, it was last tested on 23 December 2017 but had not been annually inspected. |
11.33 Is an inspection and maintenance programme in place for other lifting equipment such as wire slings? | |
1 | A SWL 5 tonnes over-head crane was fitted in the engine room, it was last tested on 14 Jan.2019 but hand not been annually examined |
2 | Lifting equipment, wire slings, were not identified by any marking |
11.36 Are machinery spaces and steering compartments clean and free from obvious leaks and is the overall standard of housekeeping and fabric maintenance satisfactory? | |
1 | The safety notice and signs were not displayed in electrician work shop in the engine room. Rectified during the inspection. |
11.39 Are seawater pumps, sea chests and associated pipework in a satisfactory condition and free of hard rust and temporary repairs, particularly outboard of the ship-side valves? | |
1 | The IG Sea Water and Main Sea Water Pump No. 3 which was in use during this inspection were leaking slightly in way of the mechanical seals, the Chief Engineer stated that this was caused by sediments from the sea water (which was very sandy), the Chief Engineer stated that the pumps could be cleaned on departure from this port. The vessel was fitted with two other sea water pumps. |
Machinery status: 11.40 Are the following, where applicable, all in good order and do they appear to be well maintained? | |
1 | The steam pipe at the forward superstructure bulkhead starboard to the pump room was temporally repaired with sealant. |
2 | Both No.1 and No.2 blower smoke density monitors were out of order. |
3 | The MDO purifier control unit in the purifier room was out of order. |
4 | Vessel was available to operate the emergency generator by method of the battery starting system and hydraulic starting system, but the hydraulic starting system could not operate to start the emergency generator at the time due to leaking of the O-ring between the hydraulic cylinder and cylinder cover during the pumping up hydraulic pressure. |
5 | The alarm printer could not be tested during this inspection, it was found that the equipment could not be connected to the alarm monitor. |
6 | The control unit for the No.2 auxiliary generator display could not be in auto mode during inspection, manned control instead and service engineer already on board. |
7 | Main engine lubricating oil main line obvious visible a bucket placed at pipeline joint and contained with small amount of oil. |
8 | No.3 Aux. engine cooling water pressure gauge was defective. |
Chapter 12. General appearance and condition Hull, superstructure and external weather decks: | |
12.4 Is the general condition, visual appearance and cleanliness of the weather decks satisfactory? | |
1 | Approximately 15% of the hydraulic pipe covers on the forward section of the deck had substantially wasted and holed at places. |
12.5 Do decks in working areas have clearly identified non-slip surfaces? | |
1 | The working area on the forward mooring area were not treated for non slip. |
2 | The forward and after mooring decks did not have non slip surfaces and they were not clearly identified or marked by a border. Non slip surface was provided only around the mooring bitts. |
3 | The main deck area forward and aft of the ship’s accomodation ladder, in way of the manifold areas port and starboard and towards the accomodation block, non-slip areas had not been identified with non-slip surfaces. |
12.6 Is the general condition of service pipework satisfactory and is it free from significant corrosion and pitting and soft patches or other temporary repairs? | |
2 | Main steam line, eapansion joint on the main deck in way of 2 starboard cargo tank was leaking. |
3 | Section of steam line was leaking. |
4 | Tank cleaning line U-bolts observed to be rusted. IG deck seal filling and drain line observed with hard rust. Underside of cable conduits observed with hard rust. |
12.7 Are pipe stands, clamps, supports and expansion arrangements satisfactory? | |
1 | Bolts,nuts,U-clamps og IG, cargo, fire lines, stripping lines observed to be rusted at scattered locations.(It was observed that renewal was in progress) |
2 | Approximately 20% of the covers serving the deck hydraulic pipes were corroded on the edges or were not secured to deck. |
12.8 Are all deck openings, including watertight doors and portholes, in a satisfactory condition and capable of being properly secured? | |
12.9 Are fuel, ballast and other space vents and air pipes in a satisfactory condition and does visual evidence indicate regular maintenance? | |
1 | The ventilation suction of bosun store was located on the ceiling of the bosun store but was in doubt of its effectiveness. |
2 | The ventilation suction of the bosun store was on top of the ceiling and it’s in doubt of ventilation effectiveness. |
12.10 Are all vents and air pipes clearly marked to indicate the spaces they serve? | |
1 | 2 Nos. Vents on funnel deck port siade were not marked for their identities. |
Electrical equipment: 12.12 Is deck lighting adequate? | |
1 | 12.12 Although inspection of deck was conducted during daylight, it was noticed at the time of leaving the vessel, deck was significantly dark near midship area below cargo lines. |
12.14 Are light fittings in gas-hazardous areas Ex "d" rated and in a satisfactory condition? | |
1 | A fluorescent light fitted at engineroom housing external bulkhead port side obvious visible accumulated with free water inside light cover. |
Accommodation areas: 12.19 Are public spaces, including smoke rooms, mess rooms, sanitary areas, food storerooms, food handling spaces, refrigerated spaces, galleys and pantries clean, tidy and in a hygienically satisfactory condition? | |
1 | Galley exhaust trunking was leaking from the flanges between the accommodation and the Engine room block passage way and also fatty deposits were dripping down from the flange.Flange was noted to be covered with plastic and rags. |
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